9 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying an E-Bike

Deciding to buy your first e-bike can be both thrilling and overwhelming. With numerous options and features to choose from, it’s natural to feel a bit lost. An e-bike is a significant investment, so it’s important to pick the right model that suits your needs and budget. Asking yourself the right questions beforehand will help ensure you choose a bike you’ll enjoy riding for years to come.

Unlike purchasing a regular bicycle, buying an electric bike involves considering a broader range of factors. Of course, you want something stylish, comfortable, and high-performing. Still, you should also think about factors like the type of motor, battery range, and any additional accessories you might need. E-bikes are more intricate than traditional bicycles, so it’s essential to educate yourself about their key features and components. However, don’t let this process intimidate you; learning about e-bikes can be enjoyable! As long as you know the right questions to ask yourself in advance, you’ll be well-prepared to find the perfect e-bike for you.

Here are nine crucial questions to ponder before you make your e-bike purchase. Taking the time to contemplate these key points will ensure that you choose a model that aligns with your preferences and budget.


Which motor is the right choice for me?

When deciding between a hub drive motor and a mid-drive motor, you’ll encounter one of the most significant choices. Hub drive motors sit at the wheel’s center, while mid-drive motors are positioned at the bottom bracket. If you’re thinking about a hub motor for ebike, it is worth noting that they are typically quieter and demand less maintenance — making for a smoother and more hassle-free riding experience. They are perfect for your commute. On the other hand, mid-drive motors excel at tackling hills and rough terrain. To determine the best motor type for you, consider your riding style and specific needs.

Should I go for pedal assist or a throttle-operated e-bike?

When you’re in the market for an e-bike, you’ll have to make a choice between a pedal-assist model and a throttle-operated one. Pedal-assist e-bikes offer electric assistance only when you pedal, encouraging physical activity. The motor kicks in to give you a boost but stops when you stop pedaling. On the flip side, throttle e-bikes allow you to activate the motor and move the bike forward using just the throttle, without the need for pedaling. This provides greater convenience, especially for tackling hills or when you’d rather not pedal. However, using the throttle exclusively means you won’t benefit from the exercise aspect of pedal assist models. 

Before making your decision, consider whether you prioritize motor power or prefer to engage in pedaling for exercise. To truly understand the difference, take both types of e-bikes for a test ride.

How much assistance do I need?

Another factor to think about is the level of power assistance you desire from your e-bike. Most models offer the flexibility to easily adjust the electric pedal assist level. Lower assist settings provide a gentle boost, while higher ones offer a stronger push. At maximum assist, it can feel almost like using a motorcycle throttle. 

Determine whether you want an e-bike that can handle most of the work for you or if you prefer to put in more of your own pedal effort with just a slight electric boost. To get a feel for the different assist levels, take a test ride and experience them firsthand.

How far should my battery go?

Running out of power during a ride is a common e-bike worry. Think about how far you typically travel on your trips and the distance you’d like to cover between charges. Entry-level e-bikes might offer ranges of around 20 miles, but premium lithium batteries can last for 60 miles or even more. 

Additionally, take into account battery removal and charging choices. Being practical about your requirements will help you avoid frustration and worries about running out of power later on.

Do I want any extra features or accessories?

Modern e-bikes offer various high-tech options to enhance your riding experience. Consider whether you’d like features such as built-in lights, a rear rack for storage, fenders to keep you dry, suspension for a smoother ride, or even a phone charger. 

You can also personalize your e-bike with accessories like bags, kickstands, mirrors, and baskets. Decide which add-ons would be most useful for your intended purposes.

What design and style do I prefer?

E-bikes come in a wide range of frame styles, colors, and finishes, allowing you to choose a look that matches your personal taste. For easy mounting and dismounting, consider a step-through frame if you’ll use your e-bike for commuting or errands. If you plan on longer fitness rides, look for e-bikes with dropped handlebars like those found on road bikes. 

There are also e-bike styles that resemble classic beach cruisers, mountain bikes, folding bikes, and more. Select a design that appeals to both your eyes and your comfort.

Where will I store and charge my e-bike?

Before making a purchase, think about where you’ll keep your e-bike when it’s not in use and how you’ll charge it. Consider the available storage space and access to electrical outlets. Will you bring the battery indoors or leave the e-bike outside? Leaving your e-bike exposed to the elements can shorten its lifespan. Measure your storage areas to ensure your e-bike will fit comfortably. Being practical about these logistics from the start will save you headaches down the road.

How do I plan to use my e-bike?

E-bikes are very versatile. Thinking about how you plan to use yours can help you narrow down your options. Important things to think about include where you’ll be riding, the kind of terrain you’ll encounter, and how long you’ll be riding. If you’ll mainly be using your e-bike for commuting, look for models with dependable motors and good batteries that can handle frequent use.

If you’ll be using it for relaxed weekend rides on trails, consider an e-bike with wider tires and suspension to handle rougher conditions. Your specific use will determine which features matter most.

What level of maintenance am I comfortable with?

Keep in mind that electric bikes require more routine maintenance and mechanical know-how compared to regular bicycles. You’ll need to recharge the battery regularly, check tire pressure, lubricate the chain, adjust the brakes, and maintain the motor. Sure, some basic DIY mechanical skills are helpful. However, if you prefer to avoid handling maintenance yourself, look for e-bike models designed to be low-maintenance. 

Seek out features such as puncture-resistant tires, self-adjusting brakes, a mid-drive motor (which requires less servicing than a hub motor), and other easy-care features. Being realistic about your willingness and ability to handle maintenance will help you choose an e-bike that’s a good fit.


When purchasing your first e-bike, taking the time to consider these key questions will greatly benefit you. Clarifying your priorities regarding budget, features, motor type, and intended use will ensure that you choose the right electric bicycle for your unique requirements. Do your research, test-ride different models, and don’t rush into a purchase. Buying an e-bike is an important decision, so focus on selecting one that you’ll truly enjoy riding for many miles to come!

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