Gasket Replacement For Ford (Steps, Cost & Other Requirements)

Ford is a renowned brand that produced some fantastic vehicles over time. Unfortunately, a faulty Ford gasket is a common issue in Ford cars that can cost you a big chunk of money. Ever wondered about the cost of the gasket replacement for Ford?

The average cost of installing a new gasket in a Ford is around $1200 to $3000, depending on the model. Also, the repair shop’s location and mechanics’ expertise are vital in fixing the replacement price. 

Some factors, like using leakage-stopping products and inspecting the rubber insulation regularly, help prevent gasket-related problems and save you money in the long run.

It’s safe to drive your Ford if the leakage isn’t significant. However, a step-by-step guide accelerates the gasket fixing process even for fresh drivers. So, fasten your seat belts to discover excellent solutions for a defective gasket.

Simple Steps For Installing New Gasket In Ford

Installing a new Ford ranger head gasket is an exhausting job. But it’s child’s play for an expert motorist. So instead, mechanics follow the fundamental step-by-step guide to remove the old gasket and install a new one.

Step 01: Remove The Battery

Removing the battery is a challenging part of installing a new gasket. First, find out the negative or the black wire to successfully detach the battery.

Step 02: Extract The Coolant

It’s crucial to extract the coolant before detaching any engine parts. So first, let the coolant cool off if you’ve driven your Ford before fixing the gasket. 

Then, open the radiator to take out the coolant. Use a bucket to collect all the coolant in 10-15 minutes.

Step 03: Detaching Various Engine Parts

Read the provided manual carefully before you pull out the bolts and nuts off your Ford. The nut and bolt position varies depending on Ford’s model. 

Next, you’ll find the distributor on the manifold. Loosen up the screws correctly to lift the distributor.

Use a pry bar to take out the manifold. Don’t forget to pull out the nuts and keep them safe. If you’re facing difficulty finding the manifold, look beside the cylinder head.

Step 04: Move The Cylinder Head

First, use a wrench to move away the valve cover. Next, take out the visible rocker arms, then the pushrods. Now, you’ll see the cylinder head in front of you. 

Next, take out the external screws. Take out the bolts after you’ve removed all the screws. 

Now, you can easily detach the cylinder head. If the cylinder is jammed, use a pry bar to remove it.

Step 05: Detaching Head Gasket

You’ll see the head gasket after removing the cylinder head of your Ford. Usually, the gasket comes off easily. But some Ford models use protrusions to keep the gasket fixed.

Use a scraper to remove the sticky debris and clean the unit properly before inserting a new gasket.

Step 06: Install New Gasket

Use a spray seal on the gasket to close the leaks. You can use additives if it’s mentioned in the manual. Sometimes, the manufacturer manual also provides a specific sealant name.

Fix the bolts correctly after you’ve placed the sealing. Put some oil on the threads to ensure a better fit.

Cost Of Replacing A Ford Gasket

Many factors affect the 2009 Ford F150 head gasket replacement cost. For example, the repair shop locations, mechanics’ experience, and most importantly, Ford’s model. 

According to aspiringhandyman and some popular sites, Ford’s average gasket fixing cost varies from $1200 to $3000, depending on other engine issues.

If you own a Ford Focus, it’ll cost you around $142 to fix the gasket. The parts will cost you 47 bucks, and the labor charge is 95 bucks. 

But a Ford Explorer costs more than any Ford model. You must spend $1200 to $1500 to resolve gasket-related issues. In addition, fixing an Explorer takes six hours to some days if the problem is critical.

The total Ford 6.7 upper oil pan gasket replacement cost increases if you take the vehicle to a popular repair shop and the mechanic is an expert in installing the gasket quickly.

Things To Consider When Changing The Ford’s Gasket

It would help if you considered some matters before you changed the Ford 4.0 thermostat housing gasket. Knowing some essential facts beforehand helps in inserting a new gasket correctly. 

Check the list below for the vital things you should consider when changing the gasket.

  • Don’t use leakage stopping with engine oil and various fluids. These products can degrade engine oil quality and even harm the engine.
  • You’ll find leakages in various positions in the engine when you’re using the car for a long time. Confirming a faulty gasket will be easy if the mechanic does a full leak search.
  • Before replacing the gasket or cover, inspect the old rubber insulator to confirm the leak.

Is It Okay To Drive My Ford With A Faulty Gasket?

There’s no harm in driving the Ford with a defective gasket. If oil doesn’t leak in a significant amount, you can drive your Ford without any hesitation. But you’ve to change the engine ASAP when you see any leakages in the upper engine section.

Tracking oil spills beneath the vehicle is the most common sign of quickly changing the gasket. It’s a prime indicator of a low fuel level in your Ford. Not installing a new gasket means more fuel waste leading to a waste of money.

The internal parts won’t be affected much by extra heat if the leakage is small. However, it can result in a severe issue if you don’t solve the gasket issue early. The oil can lose its lubrication characteristics because of a faulty gasket and other Ford 2.0 EcoBoost head gasket problems.


Fixing Ford’s gasket is costly and toiling. But it provides better services in the long run. Unfortunately, a new driver can mess up the gasket even more if he randomly follows the instructions.

We hope the discourse on gasket replacement for Ford has given you a clear vision regarding the installation cost and how to fix it. Follow each step carefully if you’re fixing the gasket by yourself. Ask for expert opinion to complete the task efficiently. But please take the car to an expert mechanic to insert the new gasket if you’re in a hurry.

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