RV Maintenance and Care Tips

Did you know that 4 in 10 polled U.S. households said a road trip is their top travel plan for late spring and summer 2023?

To many of those folks, road-tripping means holidaying in a recreational vehicle (RV). After all, RVing is cost-effective, private, and lets people enjoy the great outdoors.

All that may help explain why 44 million surveyed Americans plan to go on an RV trip this summer.

However, proper RV maintenance is necessary to reap these vehicles’ benefits. Without it, they’re at risk of early failure and breakdowns.

So if you plan to get an RV yourself, use our RV care and upkeep tips. They can help you have smooth sailing holidays on wheels.

Seasonal Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning an RV involves giving its exterior and interior a thorough wash. Do this at least once every season, whether you use it regularly or if it’s in a covered RV storage facility. It’s easier to inspect every inch, nook, and cranny of your vehicle if it’s clean.

Thorough Inspection

After cleaning your RV, inspect its exterior for any loose or damaged panels. Look at its roof, too, and ensure all seals, including those on the edges, skylight, AC unit, and vents, are intact. If there’s a leak, patch it with a sealant compatible with your RV roof’s material.

Next, confirm all your lights work. Replace those that don’t, and consider using LED bulbs.

LED lights cost more than incandescent and halogen but emit more light with less energy. Plus, they last longer, up to 25,000 hours or so!

Battery Check

Check your RV battery with a voltmeter; its voltage should be between 12.4 and 12.8 volts. A reading any less than that often indicates that you must recharge or replace it.

Don’t forget to top off your battery’s water level monthly with distilled water.

Run Your Generator

Letting your generator sit unused for months can cause it to seize up the next time you use it. So, run it at least once every month for two hours at 50% load. This can help remove accumulated water vapor and gunk.

Mind the Engine

Inspect your engine’s clamps and hoses for signs of cracks and ensure they’re all secure. Do the same with your fluid tanks and their caps. The last thing you want is to bring your RV with engine and transmission fluid leaks to a remote spot.

Professional RV Maintenance

RVs need annual brake, belt, tire, and HVAC system inspections like any other vehicle. But unlike cars, RVs also have hot water and safety systems requiring yearly check-ups. They also have appliances and propane tanks that must undergo annual inspections.

With so many components to worry about, it would be best to get professionals to service your RV. They have multi-step checklists to help ensure your vehicle stays road- and vacay-worthy. Consider investing in this once-a-year tune-up program so you can enjoy your RV for years to come.

Make Your Recreational Vehicle Last

With proper RV maintenance, you can make your vehicle last for at least 15 to 20 years. It can also help you avoid scary situations, such as breakdowns in the middle of nowhere.

So, as early as now, make the above strategies a habit to help your beloved RV stay trip-worthy for over a decade.

For more practical vehicle tips or RV travel tricks, browse our latest news and blog posts!

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