Steer your car dealership in the right direction with call tracking

As a car dealership, you’re always looking for innovative ways to boost and develop your business. There are many ways this can be achieved, but you’ll likely want to implement the most effective method possible. 

The best solution is to incorporate expert call tracking software. 

When you choose the right call tracking software – try Mediahawk call tracking, for instance – this further increases your opportunity for successful business growth.

In this article, you’ll learn what call tracking is, as well as the many ways it can help steer your car dealership in the right direction!

What is call tracking software?

Call tracking software is an expert tool used to analyse, manage, and develop aspects of customer calls. 

It provides a plethora of data surrounding each call, including detailed metrics and reports.

With these in-depth reports and insights, you will be able to accurately track the customer journey of those who interact with your dealership. 

This includes all the touchpoints they visited before, during, and after they called you, revealing the different levels of engagement across their whole journey.

To give an example, you could identify a pattern of high engagement from your customers on a specific page of your website, wherein the majority of them called you from this touchpoint.

It’s also worth noting with call tracking, you can include speech analytics. This feature allows you to automatically transcribe calls and pick up any keywords that are important to your dealership.

Call tracking software is an essential tool for any business looking to gain a thorough understanding of customer behaviour and the nature of each interaction.

How can call tracking help my car dealership?

  • Devise more engaging marketing strategies

Call tracking software allows your dealership to produce engaging marketing strategies to attract and persuade more customers.

Through the detailed reports and analytics, you’ll have a clearer idea of which marketing strategies, channels, and activities are successfully engaging more customers. With this information, you can adapt your future strategies to reach a similar level of interaction.

For instance, if you find that customers are engaging more with content on your mobile app, then you can ensure future strategies are designed to be compatible with your app, to give customers the content they prefer.

This will result in more customer engagement, and thus, more successful marketing campaigns and increased conversions.

  • Quality customer communication

Communication is a pivotal aspect of your dealership, as it not only contributes towards the entire customer experience, but it can also be the determining factor in a potential sale.

Therefore, it must be a priority to deliver high-quality communication, and this is achieved with speech analytics.

When you can record and transcribe customer calls, you can analyse each conversation afterwards to see which areas need improving. 

Also, when you can see all the relevant keywords, you can clearly determine what the customer needed, how they engaged with you, and how satisfied they were with the call when it ended.

This data will provide you with everything you need to assess the quality of your calls, and make the necessary changes to perfect communication.

Consequently, you will have an increase in satisfied customers who will be more likely to convert to a sale.

  • Propel your dealership’s brand image

Another way call tracking can benefit your car dealership is through its ability to propel your business’ image.

In order to be a superior business throughout the automotive industry, you need to ensure that your target audience see and trust your brand’s professionalism, expertise, and high-quality customer care.

With better management of your marketing, you can include strategies which display your business’ expertise at the most engaging touchpoints, ensuring that more customers are viewing content which expresses your brand values.

Also, improved communication using speech analytics will significantly increase the customer experience, and this can cause them to spread your praises, through word of mouth or reviews.

Overall, the benefits of call tracking software will help steer your car dealership in the right direction, leading to increased lead generation, as well as more profitable sales.

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