What Should You Do After An Accident That’s Not Your Fault

Motor vehicle accidents happen daily in Florida and all around the world. Sometimes when we get into an accident, it is our fault, and other times it is the other person’s fault. You may be wondering what to do when an accident is not your fault. Do you go through the same steps if the process was your fault? 

The quick answer to that question is yes; whether the accident is your fault or another person’s fault, you essentially want to take the same steps. But, what are those steps?

Let’s take a closer look.

Seek Medical Attention

After an accident, you will want to seek medical attention whether you feel hurt at the moment or not. The reason is that you may be in shock, and adrenaline is coursing through your body, so you might not feel pain right away even though you are injured. So, when you get medical attention at the accident scene, you will know you have any injuries, which is good for your health and insurance claim. The insurance company may claim that the accident did not lead to severe injuries, resulting in them not giving you the compensation you are owed. Therefore, if you seek medical attention, it will help clarify that you were injured in the accident. 

Gather Information

An essential part of getting into an accident is to gather the other driver’s information. You will want to write down or take pictures of their driver’s license, license plate, and insurance information. When you contact your insurance company, you will need to let them know who was in the accident, the vehicle involved, and the other driver’s insurance information so your insurance company can file the claim correctly. 

Take Pictures

You will want to take as many pictures as possible. A good rule of thumb is to take photos of all four sides of your vehicle and all four sides of the other driver’s vehicle. When the insurance company looks at the pictures you have taken, it will give them an idea of who was at fault for the accident. 

Gather Witness Testimony

It is useful to have witness testimony when talking to the insurance company or your lawyer. If there was someone close by who saw how the accident happened, be sure to take advantage of this and have them answer as many questions about the accident as possible. Or you can get their contact information and give it to your lawyer so they can contact them to provide valuable information about the accident. 

Talk to a Lawyer

According to 1-800-injured, one of the best pieces of advice someone can give you after an accident is to contact a professional lawyer, especially if you were injured. Whether or not your injuries are extensive, you may be eligible for compensation, and an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you to get it. The other reason is you do not want to talk to the insurance company without talking to a lawyer first. 

Whenever you get into an accident, whether it is your fault or not, the insurance company will look for any holes in your story to see if they can shift some or all of the blame to you. That way, they can pay out less than they are supposed to or even avoid paying anything at all. Therefore, it is in your best interest to contact a skilled personal injury lawyer to speak to the insurance company on your behalf. 

Remember, being in an accident can be scary, but producing all the necessary information will help prove that you were not at fault, which can help you get the compensation you deserve. 

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